1. The
personal pronoun is used -
(1) As the subjective prefix of a verb.
(2) As the objective medial, between the tense form
and root of a verb.
(3) The full form, with or without a demonstrative,
may be used after the verb, in apposition to, or instead of, the objective
medial, to indicate emphasis.
(4) As the subjective prefix of an adjective.
(5) With the possessive particle forming a
possessive pronoun.
(6) With a preposition or adverb.
2. The
following table and examples will illustrate the method of using the personal
pronouns. The pronouns of the 1st and 2nd persons are here given. The pronoun
of the 3rd person must of course vary according to the class to which the noun
belongs, there are consequently a
singular and plural pronoun of the 3rd person to each of these classes (the 11th, 14th and 15th excepted, the singular and plural being the same): -
Absolute Pronoun Verbal Subject Verbal Object
1st person singular mina (I, me) ngi /ndi (I) ngi/ndi (me)
1st person plural thina(we, us) si (we) si (us)
2nd person sing. wena (you) u (you) ku (you)
2nd person plur. lina (you) ni (you) li or ni (you)
1st person singular mina (I, me) ngi /ndi (I) ngi/ndi (me)
1st person plural thina(we, us) si (we) si (us)
2nd person sing. wena (you) u (you) ku (you)
2nd person plur. lina (you) ni (you) li or ni (you)
2019 Update: Interesting to note that the Zimbabwe Ndebele and Malawi Ngoni use lina where as modern standardised Zulu uses nina. However there is some inconsistency in the ngoni language in that we only use lina in the absolute pronouns but use ni- in the 2ne person plural verbal subject where the Ndebele maintain consistency by using li-. For example the the ndebele say, linjani? (how are you) but the ngoni will say like the Zulus, ninjani? (how are you)
Examples of the use of the personal pronouns, 1st and 2nd persons: -
(1) The
pronoun as the subject of the verb.
Ukuhamba, to go; ngihamba, I go; uhamba, thou
goest. Sihamba, we go; nihamba, you go.
NOTE 1. Some
Ngoni use pronoun Mu in place of ni. The mu corresponds to
the pronoun in Tumbuka and has been adopted from that language. We have therefore dropped it in this edition.
Ngihamba, mina, I go, I (emphasis).
nihamba lina, ye
go, ye.
Note 2. — Lina and nina (Zulu) are synonymous.
(2) The
pronoun as the "pronominal verbal medial," or object.
Ukuthanda, to love; ngi-ku-thanda, ngikuthanda, I thee love, I love
Si-ni-thanda > sinithanda (siyanithanda), we you love, we love you.
Si-ku-thanda > sikuthanda thina, we love you, we (do).
Ngi-thanda > Ngithanda wena, I love thee (wena is
the object of the verb).
1.—It is to be observed that for the 1st person singular and plural the
nominative and objective (subjective and objective) forms are the same. The 2nd
singular has ku as the objective form, and the 2nd plural may
have li, or ni as the objective
but not li as the subjective, forms. The language having
reached a transition stage these forms exist.
Zimbabwe Ndebele uses li as the subject for 2nd person plural they thus say 'lifuna ukuhamba' - (You (plural) want to go) where the Ngoni say, nifuna ukuhamba. A bit of inconsistency on the ngoni caused by I guess the different dialects of nguni that existed among the ngoni.
I would urge you to visit Isindebele for Beginners to appreciate the similarities between Ngoni and isiNdebele. I have noted that for instance they call maize umumbu just like the ngoni which modern Zulu no longer uses. They also use lina just like the ngoni where the Zulu use nina.
Zimbabwe Ndebele uses li as the subject for 2nd person plural they thus say 'lifuna ukuhamba' - (You (plural) want to go) where the Ngoni say, nifuna ukuhamba. A bit of inconsistency on the ngoni caused by I guess the different dialects of nguni that existed among the ngoni.
I would urge you to visit Isindebele for Beginners to appreciate the similarities between Ngoni and isiNdebele. I have noted that for instance they call maize umumbu just like the ngoni which modern Zulu no longer uses. They also use lina just like the ngoni where the Zulu use nina.
3. The full
form in apposition to the verbal medial.
Ngi-ku-thanda lina/nina, I love you.
nisithanda thina, you love us
Ngi-ku-thanda lina/nina, I love you.
nisithanda thina, you love us
Usithanda thina, thou lowest us.
The full form thus used above emphasizes the pronoun with which it agrees. See (2) 3rd Ex.
The full form thus used above emphasizes the pronoun with which it agrees. See (2) 3rd Ex.
4. Personal
pronouns of the 3rd persons singular and plural are given in the following
table: -
Note: Please note the introduction of "ya" in the verbs below which in Ngoni denotes the Present Progressive tense (indicates continuing action, something going on now) e.g. Ngiyahamba manje (I am going/leaving now). This is different from the rule in Zulu which states that you use "ya" for verbs in the present tense that are not followed by an object nouns.
In Ngoni however you drop the "ya" when the verb is in the Present Indefinite tense/Simple present tense (he goes, I go) e.g. Ngihamba, I go.
Further Examples to illustrate this:
Ngoni Present Indefinite: Ngithanda, I love. The Present Indefinite denotes what is true at all times and also a present act only.
Ngoni Present Progressive: Ngiyathanda, I love. The Present Progressive denotes that the action continues.
Below are the subject concords:
Subject Concord Example
Class 1 um(u)- u- umntwana uyakhuluma, the child is speaking.
Class 2 aba- ba- abafana bayakhala, the boys are crying.
Class 1 (a) u- u- ubaba ukhathele father is tired
Class 2(a) o- ba- ogogo bayagula, the grandmothers are sick/ill.
Class 3 um(u)- u- umuthi uyakhula, The tree is growing
Class 4 imi i- imithi iyakhula, The trees are growing.
Class 5 i(li) li- ilizwe liyakhala, The country is crying.
Class 6 ama- a- amanzi ayabanda, the water is cold.
Class 7 isi- si- isisebenzi siyafunda, the servant is studying
Class 8 izi zi- izisebenzi ziyafunda, the servants are studying.
Class 9 in-/im- i- intombi iyahamba, the young lady is going
Class 10 izin-/izim- zi izintombi ziyahamba, the young ladies are going.
Class 11 u(lu)- lu- Ulukhuni luyavutha. the piece of firewood is burning.
Class 14 ubu- bu- ubusika buyafika, winter is arriving
Class 15 uku- ku ukudla kuyafika, the food is arriving.
Below are the negative subject concords:
Class 1 um(u)- aka- umntwana akakhulumi, the child is not speaking
Class 2 aba- aba- abafana abakhali, the boys are not crying
Class 1 (a) u- aka- ubaba akakhathele, father is not tired.
Class 2(a) o- aba- ogogo abaguli, the grandmother are not sick.
Class 3 um(u)- awu- umuthi awukhuli, the tree is not growing.
Class 4 imi ayi- imithi ayikhuli, the trees are not growing.
Class 5 i(li) ali-
Class 6 ama- awa- amanzi awabandi, the water is not cold
Class 7 isi- asi-
Class 8 izi azi-
Class 9 in-/im- ayi- intombi ayihambi, the young lady is not going.
Class 10 izin-/izim- azi izintombi azihambi, the young lady are not going
Class 11 u(lu)- alu-
Class 14 ubu- abu- ubusika abufiki, the winter is not arriving.
Class 15 uku- aku ukudla akufiki, the food is not arriving
Below are the object concords
Class 1 um(u)- -m- Ngiyamthanda, I like him.
Class 2 aba- -ba- Ngiyabathanda, I like them.
Class 1 (a) u- -m- Ngiyamthanda, I like him.
Class 2(a) o- -ba- Ngiyabathanda, I like them.
Class 3 um(u)- -wu- Uyawuthanda (umuthi), S/he likes it (the medicine).
Class 4 imi -yi- Bayayithanda (imithi), S/he likes them (the medicine).
Class 5 i(li) -li- Uyalithanda (ilizwe), S/he likes it (the country).
Class 6 ama- -wa- Bayawathanda (amanzi), They like it (the water)
Class 7 isi- -si- Uyasithanda (isikhwama). S/he like it (the bag).
Class 8 izi -zi- Bayazithanda (izikhwama). They like it (the bags).
Class 9 in-/im- -yi- Bayayithanda (inkomo). They like it (the cow).
Class 10 izin-/izim- -zi- Bayizithanda (izinkomo). they like them (the cattle).
Class 11 u(lu)- -lu- Ngiyaluthanda (uludebe). I like it (the lip).
Class 14 ubu- -bu- Bayabuthanda (utshwala). They like it (the beer).
Class 15 uku- -ku- Uyakuthanda (ukudla). S/he likes it (food).
Below is the full form or absolute pronouns:
Class 1 um(u)- yena, ngiyamazi yena, I know him.
Class 2 aba- bona (plural of class 1), ngiyabazi bona, I know them.
Class 1a u- yena
Class 2a o- bona(plural of class 1a)
Class 3 um(u)- wona
Class 4 imi- yona(plural of class 3)
class 5 i(li)- wona
Class 6 ama- wona(plural of class 5)
Class 7 isi- sona
Class 8 izi zona (plural of class 7)
Class 9 in- yona
Class 10 izin- zona (plural of class 9)
Class 11 u(lu)- lona
Class 14 ubu- bona, utshwala, bona, abumnandi, The alcohol, as for it, is not nice.
Class 15 uku- khona, ukudla, khona, kuyanambitheka, The food, as for it, is tasty.
NOTE 1: - Regarding several of the objective medials see chap. 2. 3 (4) Note 1.
Note: Please note the introduction of "ya" in the verbs below which in Ngoni denotes the Present Progressive tense (indicates continuing action, something going on now) e.g. Ngiyahamba manje (I am going/leaving now). This is different from the rule in Zulu which states that you use "ya" for verbs in the present tense that are not followed by an object nouns.
In Ngoni however you drop the "ya" when the verb is in the Present Indefinite tense/Simple present tense (he goes, I go) e.g. Ngihamba, I go.
Further Examples to illustrate this:
Ngoni Present Indefinite: Ngithanda, I love. The Present Indefinite denotes what is true at all times and also a present act only.
Ngoni Present Progressive: Ngiyathanda, I love. The Present Progressive denotes that the action continues.
Below are the subject concords:
Subject Concord Example
Class 1 um(u)- u- umntwana uyakhuluma, the child is speaking.
Class 2 aba- ba- abafana bayakhala, the boys are crying.
Class 1 (a) u- u- ubaba ukhathele father is tired
Class 2(a) o- ba- ogogo bayagula, the grandmothers are sick/ill.
Class 3 um(u)- u- umuthi uyakhula, The tree is growing
Class 4 imi i- imithi iyakhula, The trees are growing.
Class 5 i(li) li- ilizwe liyakhala, The country is crying.
Class 6 ama- a- amanzi ayabanda, the water is cold.
Class 7 isi- si- isisebenzi siyafunda, the servant is studying
Class 8 izi zi- izisebenzi ziyafunda, the servants are studying.
Class 9 in-/im- i- intombi iyahamba, the young lady is going
Class 10 izin-/izim- zi izintombi ziyahamba, the young ladies are going.
Class 11 u(lu)- lu- Ulukhuni luyavutha. the piece of firewood is burning.
Class 14 ubu- bu- ubusika buyafika, winter is arriving
Class 15 uku- ku ukudla kuyafika, the food is arriving.
Below are the negative subject concords:
Class 1 um(u)- aka- umntwana akakhulumi, the child is not speaking
Class 2 aba- aba- abafana abakhali, the boys are not crying
Class 1 (a) u- aka- ubaba akakhathele, father is not tired.
Class 2(a) o- aba- ogogo abaguli, the grandmother are not sick.
Class 3 um(u)- awu- umuthi awukhuli, the tree is not growing.
Class 4 imi ayi- imithi ayikhuli, the trees are not growing.
Class 5 i(li) ali-
Class 6 ama- awa- amanzi awabandi, the water is not cold
Class 7 isi- asi-
Class 8 izi azi-
Class 9 in-/im- ayi- intombi ayihambi, the young lady is not going.
Class 10 izin-/izim- azi izintombi azihambi, the young lady are not going
Class 11 u(lu)- alu-
Class 14 ubu- abu- ubusika abufiki, the winter is not arriving.
Class 15 uku- aku ukudla akufiki, the food is not arriving
Below are the object concords
Class 1 um(u)- -m- Ngiyamthanda, I like him.
Class 2 aba- -ba- Ngiyabathanda, I like them.
Class 1 (a) u- -m- Ngiyamthanda, I like him.
Class 2(a) o- -ba- Ngiyabathanda, I like them.
Class 3 um(u)- -wu- Uyawuthanda (umuthi), S/he likes it (the medicine).
Class 4 imi -yi- Bayayithanda (imithi), S/he likes them (the medicine).
Class 5 i(li) -li- Uyalithanda (ilizwe), S/he likes it (the country).
Class 6 ama- -wa- Bayawathanda (amanzi), They like it (the water)
Class 7 isi- -si- Uyasithanda (isikhwama). S/he like it (the bag).
Class 8 izi -zi- Bayazithanda (izikhwama). They like it (the bags).
Class 9 in-/im- -yi- Bayayithanda (inkomo). They like it (the cow).
Class 10 izin-/izim- -zi- Bayizithanda (izinkomo). they like them (the cattle).
Class 11 u(lu)- -lu- Ngiyaluthanda (uludebe). I like it (the lip).
Class 14 ubu- -bu- Bayabuthanda (utshwala). They like it (the beer).
Class 15 uku- -ku- Uyakuthanda (ukudla). S/he likes it (food).
Below is the full form or absolute pronouns:
Class 1 um(u)- yena, ngiyamazi yena, I know him.
Class 2 aba- bona (plural of class 1), ngiyabazi bona, I know them.
Class 1a u- yena
Class 2a o- bona(plural of class 1a)
Class 3 um(u)- wona
Class 4 imi- yona(plural of class 3)
class 5 i(li)- wona
Class 6 ama- wona(plural of class 5)
Class 7 isi- sona
Class 8 izi zona (plural of class 7)
Class 9 in- yona
Class 10 izin- zona (plural of class 9)
Class 11 u(lu)- lona
Class 14 ubu- bona, utshwala, bona, abumnandi, The alcohol, as for it, is not nice.
Class 15 uku- khona, ukudla, khona, kuyanambitheka, The food, as for it, is tasty.
NOTE 1: - Regarding several of the objective medials see chap. 2. 3 (4) Note 1.
Examples of the use of the pronouns of the 3rd person: -
(1) Ukuthanda,
to love; umuntu uyathanda wena, the man is loving thee.
to eat; izimbuzi ziyadla utshani, the goats are eating grass.
to cook; abantu bayapheka ukudla, the people are cooking the food.
(2) As
the verbal medial objective: -
Umuntu uyakuthanda, the man is loving thee.
Izimbuzi ziyawudla utshani, the goats are (it) eating the grass (class 2).
Abantu bayakupheka ukudla, the people are (it) cooking the food (class
1. The following
tables show the invariable particle, which, preceded by the possessive particle
belonging to the governing noun, forms the possessive pronoun: -
1st person singular -mi (mine)
1st person plural -(i)thu (our)
2nd person singular -kho (your)
2nd person plural -(i)nu (your)
1st person singular -mi (mine)
1st person plural -(i)thu (our)
2nd person singular -kho (your)
2nd person plural -(i)nu (your)
Class 1/1a um(u)- -khe, ikhanda lakhe, his head (-khe, umuntu (the ma))
Class 2/2a aba-/o-/bo- -bo, amakhanda abo, their heads (-bo, abantwana (children)
Class 3 umu- -wo
Class 4 imi- -yo
Class 5 i(li) -lo
Class 6 ama- -wo
Class 7 isi- -so
Class 8 izi- -zo
Class 9 in- -yo
Class 10 izin- -zo
Class 11 u(lu) -lo
Class 14 ubu- -bo
Class 15 uku- -kho
2. The
possessive particle belonging to the noun which denotes the thing possessed is
prefixed to the root of the pronoun which corresponds to the noun denoting the
possessor. The following examples will serve to illustrate the method of the
use of the possessive pronoun: -
My hands
(the hands of me), izandla zami.
His (the
man's, class 1,) ox (class 3), inkomo yakhe.
Thy voice
(class 5), izwi lakho.
(people's, class 1,) trees (class 2), imithi yabo.
(cattle's) food, ukudla kwazo.
strength, amandla ethu.
—The pronoun for class 4 is frequently used for things indefinitely, and also
that for class 7.
1. The
particle "zi" treated as a pronoun in the objective case is
inserted before the verb root and signifies that the subject and object of the
verb are the same person or persons; e.g., ngithanda, I love; ngizithanda,
I love myself.
2. To
express myself, thyself, &c., &c., the root -dwa (alone,
only) is used with the personal pronoun; e.g., I myself, mina ngedwa;
thou thyself wena wedwa, &c. For examples of this form see
chapter VII. 5.
1. There
are three demonstrative pronouns, denoting objects near at hand; objects at a
distance; and objects previously referred to in speaking. The place of the
demonstrative is usually after the noun, but it may precede the noun in a contracted
form, in the case of objects near at hand. The really demonstrative part of it
is thus used, and this as may readily be seen is Lo (ro), Le(re),
or la
2. The following
table presents at one view the various forms of the demonstrative pronoun: -
Below is the full list of demonstrative pronouns:
This/These That /Those Those yonder
Class 1 um(u)- lo/loya/loyi lowo lowaya
Class 1(a) u- lo/loya/loyi lowo lowaya
Class 2 aba- laba labo labaya
Class 2(a) o- laba labo labaya
Class 3 um(u) lo lowo lowuya
Class 4 imi- leyi/le leyo leyiya
Class 5 i(li) leli lelo leliya
Class 6 ama- lawa/la lawo lawaya
Class 7 isi- lesi leso lesiya
Class 8 izi- lezi lezo leziya
Class 9 in-/im- le/leyi leyo leyiya/leyaya
Class 10 izin-/izim- lezi lezo leziya
Class 11 u(lu)- lolu lolo loluya
Class 14 u(bu) lobu lobo lobuya
Class 15 uku- lokhu/loku lokho/loko lokhuya/lokuya
As pointed out earlier in Ngoni the demonstrative usually occurs after the noun although it can occur before it as well. In some Nguni languages such as isiZulu usually occurs before the noun although it can also occur after as in Ngoni. When the demonstrative occurs before the noun, the initial vowel is deleter. Below are some examples
Lo mfana (umfana lo) uyakhuluma, This boy is speaking
Ngifuna leso siguli (isiguli leso), I want that patient.
Laba bantwana (abantwana laba), These children.
Abantwanat labaya. Those children over there.
Below is the full list of demonstrative pronouns:
This/These That /Those Those yonder
Class 1 um(u)- lo/loya/loyi lowo lowaya
Class 1(a) u- lo/loya/loyi lowo lowaya
Class 2 aba- laba labo labaya
Class 2(a) o- laba labo labaya
Class 3 um(u) lo lowo lowuya
Class 4 imi- leyi/le leyo leyiya
Class 5 i(li) leli lelo leliya
Class 6 ama- lawa/la lawo lawaya
Class 7 isi- lesi leso lesiya
Class 8 izi- lezi lezo leziya
Class 9 in-/im- le/leyi leyo leyiya/leyaya
Class 10 izin-/izim- lezi lezo leziya
Class 11 u(lu)- lolu lolo loluya
Class 14 u(bu) lobu lobo lobuya
Class 15 uku- lokhu/loku lokho/loko lokhuya/lokuya
As pointed out earlier in Ngoni the demonstrative usually occurs after the noun although it can occur before it as well. In some Nguni languages such as isiZulu usually occurs before the noun although it can also occur after as in Ngoni. When the demonstrative occurs before the noun, the initial vowel is deleter. Below are some examples
Lo mfana (umfana lo) uyakhuluma, This boy is speaking
Ngifuna leso siguli (isiguli leso), I want that patient.
Laba bantwana (abantwana laba), These children.
Abantwanat labaya. Those children over there.
NOTE 1: -
L may be used instead of r in any of the above
NOTE 2: -
Those in third column of the table before the examples "lowo,' &c., is used along with the full
form of the personal pronoun, to mark emphasis; and along with, or instead of,
the ordinary form of the relative pronoun q.v.
NOTE 3: -
To denote objects very far away the form in the third column is used and the
voice raised according to the degree of distance. It is to be observed that in
many instances, in using a form of speech, as much attention must be paid to
the correct tone of voice in which it is spoken as to correctness of form, else
it may be meaningless to a native. This can only be attained by mixing with the
natives and striving to imitate their tone of voice. It may here be added that
these "notes" are merely aids to acquiring the
language, the important work being the practical part.
3. There
is also a locative demonstrative copulative to express, "here is/are", "there is/are" in Ngoni both for objects near
at hand and at a distance.
Nangu uYesu! Here is Jesus!
Nakhu ukudla! Here's the food!
Nasi isibhamu sakho! Here is your gun!
In English there are only two distinctions for expressing this i.e., "here is/are" to something near the speaker and "there is/are" referring to something relatively distant from the speaker. However in Ngoni, there are three way distinctions.
a) Something relatively near the speaker
Nazi izinyawo zami! Here are my feet! (i.e. near me)
b) something relatively near the person being spoken to
Nazo izinyawo zabo! There are their feet! (i.e. near you)
c) something relatively distant from both of them.
Naziya izinyawo zabo! There are their feet! (i.e. some distance from both you and me).
The following table presents these according to each class of noun: -
1st Position 2nd Position 3rd Position
Class 1 nangu nango nanguya
Class 2 naba nabo nabaya
Class 3 nawu nawo nawuya
Class 4 nayi nayo nayiya
Class 5 nali nalo naliya
Class 6 nawa nawo nawaya
Class 7 nasi naso nasiya
Class 8 nazi nazo naziya
Class 9 nayi nayo nayiya
Class 10 nazi nazo naziya
Class 11 nalu nalo naluya
Class 14 nabu nabo nabuya
Class 15 nakhu nakho nakhuya
Nangu uYesu! Here is Jesus!
Nakhu ukudla! Here's the food!
Nasi isibhamu sakho! Here is your gun!
In English there are only two distinctions for expressing this i.e., "here is/are" to something near the speaker and "there is/are" referring to something relatively distant from the speaker. However in Ngoni, there are three way distinctions.
a) Something relatively near the speaker
Nazi izinyawo zami! Here are my feet! (i.e. near me)
b) something relatively near the person being spoken to
Nazo izinyawo zabo! There are their feet! (i.e. near you)
c) something relatively distant from both of them.
Naziya izinyawo zabo! There are their feet! (i.e. some distance from both you and me).
The following table presents these according to each class of noun: -
1st Position 2nd Position 3rd Position
Class 1 nangu nango nanguya
Class 2 naba nabo nabaya
Class 3 nawu nawo nawuya
Class 4 nayi nayo nayiya
Class 5 nali nalo naliya
Class 6 nawa nawo nawaya
Class 7 nasi naso nasiya
Class 8 nazi nazo naziya
Class 9 nayi nayo nayiya
Class 10 nazi nazo naziya
Class 11 nalu nalo naluya
Class 14 nabu nabo nabuya
Class 15 nakhu nakho nakhuya
1.—Such forms as nazo, nalo, may be heard for nazi;
and namba, nambaya instead of naba, nabaya,
for plural of class 1.
Further Examples on this:
Class 1 Nangu umfana (Here is the boy)
Class 2 Naba abafana (Here are the boys)
Class 3 Nawu umfula (Here is the river)
Class 4 Nayi Imifula (Here are the rivers)
Class 5 Nali ivila (Here is the lazy person)
Class 6 Nawa amavila (Here are the lazy person)
Class 7 Nasi isihlebi (Here is the slanderer)
Class 8. Nazi izihlebi (Here are the slanderers)
Class 9. Nayi indlovu (Here is the elephant)
Class 10 Nazi izindlovu (Here are the elephants)
Class 14 Nabu utshani (Here is the grass)
Class 15 Nakhu ukudla (Here is the food)
Further Examples on this:
Class 1 Nangu umfana (Here is the boy)
Class 2 Naba abafana (Here are the boys)
Class 3 Nawu umfula (Here is the river)
Class 4 Nayi Imifula (Here are the rivers)
Class 5 Nali ivila (Here is the lazy person)
Class 6 Nawa amavila (Here are the lazy person)
Class 7 Nasi isihlebi (Here is the slanderer)
Class 8. Nazi izihlebi (Here are the slanderers)
Class 9. Nayi indlovu (Here is the elephant)
Class 10 Nazi izindlovu (Here are the elephants)
Class 14 Nabu utshani (Here is the grass)
Class 15 Nakhu ukudla (Here is the food)
Here is
the zulu version of the Demonstrative Pronouns and Locative Demonstratives.
Noun Prefixes
Demonstrative Pronouns (this, that, that over
Demonstratives (here is, there is, over there is)
lowo, lowaya
labo, labaya
nangu, nango,
naba, nabo,
lowo, lowaya
labo, labaya
nango, nanguya
nabo, nabaya
lowo, lowaya
leyo, leyaya
nanko, nankuya
nayo, nayiya
nanso, nansiya
lelo, leliya
lawo, lawaya
nanto, nantiya
nanko, nankaya
leso, lesiya
lezo, leziya
naso, nasiya
nazo, naziya
i(m, n)-
leyo, leyaya
lezo, leziya
nayo, nayiya
nazo, naziya
nanso, nansiya
lolo, loluya
lezo, leziya
nalo, naluya
nazo, naziya
lobo, lobuya
nabo, nabuya
lokho, lokhuya
nakho, nakhuya
lokho, lokhuya
nakho, nakhuya
The Relative Pronoun for all persons, numbers, and
classes, is the vowel a. It is used in combination with the initial vowel
of the inflex of the noun which is its antecedent or governing noun: hence
we have the relative particle appearing as a, e, o,
according as the initial vowel of the noun's prefix is a, i,
or u, by rule noted (chap. II 3 (3).) But the personal pronoun of
the governing noun is also taken to form the relative clause, that is, where in
English we say, " the man who sees," in Ngoni the relative clause is
literally "the man who he sees." Unlike the adjectival concords that occur with only a limited number of (adjectival) stems, the relative concords may combine with most other words and stems.
We are therefore able to tabulate the forms of the relative pronoun according to each class of noun, as follows:
1st person sing. ngi- engi-
1st person plur. si esi-
2nd person sing. u- o-
2nd person plur. ni- eni-
Class 1 um- u- o-
Class 2 aba- ba- aba-
Class 3 um- u- o-
Class 4 imi- i- e-
Class 5 i- li eli-
Class 6 ama- a- a-
Class 7 isi- si- esi-
Class 8 izi- zi- ezi-
Class 9 iN- i- e-
Class 10 iziN zi- ezi-
Class 11 u- lu- olu-
Class 14 ubu- bu- obu-
Class 15 uku ku- oku-
We are therefore able to tabulate the forms of the relative pronoun according to each class of noun, as follows:
Relative Concords
Subject Concord Relative Concord1st person sing. ngi- engi-
1st person plur. si esi-
2nd person sing. u- o-
2nd person plur. ni- eni-
Class 1 um- u- o-
Class 2 aba- ba- aba-
Class 3 um- u- o-
Class 4 imi- i- e-
Class 5 i- li eli-
Class 6 ama- a- a-
Class 7 isi- si- esi-
Class 8 izi- zi- ezi-
Class 9 iN- i- e-
Class 10 iziN zi- ezi-
Class 11 u- lu- olu-
Class 14 ubu- bu- obu-
Class 15 uku ku- oku-
2. The Relative
Pronoun is used according to the following rules: -
(1). When
the relative is the subject of the verb (e.g., a man who sees,) the relative
particle a combines with the initial vowel of the antecedent noun
(man), and is followed by the personal pronoun belong to that noun.
The man
who sees, umuntu obonayo.
I like people who know Zulu well, Ngithanda abantu abakwazi ukukhuluma isiZulu kahle.
The man who is calling you, knows my father, Indoda enibizayo yazi ubaba.
I like people who know Zulu well, Ngithanda abantu abakwazi ukukhuluma isiZulu kahle.
The man who is calling you, knows my father, Indoda enibizayo yazi ubaba.
The voice
which sounds, ilizwi elidumayo.
The cow
which eats, inkomo eyidlayo.
people who walk, abantu abahambayo.
things which remain, izinto eziseleyo.
NOTE 1: - -yo is appended to the verb for the sake of euphony especially when nothing follows on the verbal relative stem.. Also, it serves
as the sign of the relative where it is not otherwise expressed; e.g., lina enihambayo, ye who go. Ko is used instead of yo very
frequently too in Ngoni.
(2). In a
relative sentence the full forms of the personal pronouns may be treated as
nouns. As they are primitive nouns each has a prefix, and it appears when they
are thus treated as nouns in a relative sentence. Thus: -
u-mina or i
I who
see, mina enibonayo, or mina nibonayo. Thou who
seest, wena obonayo, or wena ubonayo. He who
sees, yena obonayo, or yena wabonayo. We who see, thina
esibonayo, or thina aba-, or thina sibonayo.
They who
see, bona ababonayo, or babonayo.
(3). When
the Relative is in the possessive case (e.g., a man whose cattle are many) the
rule (2) holds good, and the relative precedes the noun which denotes the thing
possessed. That noun loses its initial vowel, and the personal pronoun is attached
to the verb or adjective, and the full form of the pronoun may be put after the
noun. But the relative is often omitted, and the clause is a direct statement,
the exact sense of which is to be gathered from the context.
(as above).
Umuntu ozinkomo ziningi.
or, Umuntu
ozinkomo zakhe ziningi.
or, Umuntu
zinkomo zakhe ziningi.
(4). When
the Relative is the object of the verb, the particle a combines
with the initial vowel of the noun which is the subject of the verb, and the
objective pronoun is inserted before the verb root or the full form of the
pronoun follows the verb.
The man
whom I see, umuntu enimbonayo. or, umuntu yena
enibonayo. or, umuntu nibonayo yena.
(5) In
oblique forms, such as, "to whom", from whom, with whom, by whom, &c., the
foregoing rule (4) obtains, and the preposition appropriate to the expression
is preferred to the pronoun, which may appear in a contracted form, or in the
full form.
following table illustrates these remarks: -
“i speak
of, through, by, &c., whom or which
to, at, from, on, &c., whom or which
with, whom, or which
umuntu, man
ngayena or ngaye
kuyena or kuye
nayena or naye
umuti, tree
ngawona or ngawo
kuwona or kuwo
nawona or nawo
imbuzi, goat
ngayona or ngayo
kuyona or kuyo
nayona or nayo
isibhamu, gun
ngasona or ngaso
kusona or kuso
nasono or naso
ilizwi, word
ngalona or ngalo
kulona or kulo
nalona or nalo
uluthi, rod
ngalona or ngalo
kulona or kulo
nalona or nalo
ukudhla, food
ngakhona orngakho
kukhona or kukho
nakhono or nakho
abantu, people
ngabona or ngabo
kubona or kubo
nabona or nabo
imithi, trees
ngayona or ngayo
kuyona or kuyo
nayona or nayo
izimbuzi, goats
ngazona or ngazo
kuzona or kuzo
nazona or nazo
izibhamu, guns
ngazona, or ngazo
kuzona or kuzo
nazona or nazo
amazwi, words
ngawona or ngawo
kuwona, or kuwo
nawona or nawo
izinti, rods
ngazona or ngazo
kuzona or kuzo
nazona or nazo
(4). When
a personal noun singular (class 1) or the 3rd personal pronoun singular is the
subject of the verb, the relative particle a alone is the subject pronoun in a
relative sentence.
Umuntu ambonayo, the person whom he sees.
1. The
following interrogatives are used with the personal pronouns according to the
classes of nouns. The particle na may be used where in English we use the point
of interrogation; but in many sentences an enquiring tone of voice indicates
interrogation and na may be omitted.
(1). Ni.
What? Who? Used in regard to nature, race, or quality.
Umuntu muni na? what man? who?
Ungumuntu muni na? what sort of person art thou?
Ngiyinto yini na? what sort of thing is it?
Wathini na? what did he say?
(2). Ni.
Compounded with nja (manner) it means, how? with regard to
manner, state, or degree.
Wayenza njani na? how did he work?
Unjani namuhla? how are you to-day?
Ukufa kwakhe kunjani? how great is his sickness?
(3). Nini.
Wabuya nini? when did he come?
(4). Phi.
Umuntu muphi? which person?
Izwi liphi? which voice?
Izinkomo ziphi? which cattle?
(5). Phi.
Where? Uvelaphi na? where do you come from?
(6). Kuphi.
Where? Ukuphi uyihlo na? where is your father?
(7). Ngaki.
How many?
Abantu bangaki? how many people?
Izinkomo zingaki? how many cattle?
Izihlangu zingaki? how many shields?
Note: -
with the exception of nini, when? all the foregoing may be used with
the substantive verb.
2. The
following English interrogatives are expressed thus: -
Who? Ubani?
Wafika ubani? (or ngubani = it is who) who
Ungubani? who art thou?
Whose? By prefixing the proposition ka to (u) bani (who
or what individual) according to the rule stated for the possessive case with
proper nouns (chap. vi. 4).
Umfazi kabani? whose wife?
Izinkomo zikabani? whose cattle?
(3). By
whom? The verb substantive is used with (u) bani.
Wabulawa ngubani? by whom was he killed?
(4). To
whom? From whom? Against whom? The preposition ku is used with
(u) bani according to rule mentioned under "
Ukhuluma ku bani? to whom do you speak?
Uvela ku bani, from whom do you come?
Wayonela ku bani? whom did he sin against?
(5). For
whom? The objective form of the verb (q.v.) is used to express "
for." -
(6). With
whom? The preposition na is used with bani or ubani
Uya nabani? with whom do you go?
Ukhuluma nobani? with whom do you speak?
(7). How
(8). How
(9). How
7, 8 and
9 are expressed by ngaka (denoting degree), the preposition na (with)
and the interrogative ni (what) to which is prefixed the
pronoun of the governing noun.
Indlu ingakanani? how great is the house?
Ubude wake ungakanani? how tall is he? (lit., his tallness it is how
Supplementary material 2019
There are
two ways to say the equivalent of "I am", "She/he/it is"
"or We are". If the equivalent of the "is", "am",
"are" is followed by a non, then we use an identifying prefix,
however if the equivalent of the "is", "am", "are"
is followed by a verb we use a subject concord. Thus to say she is crying, we
say uyakhala and to say I am a fool,
you say Uyisiphukuphuku (using
identifying prefix yi-).
Below are
the identiftying prefixes.
yi- before consonants
y before the vowel i
ng- before other vowels.
NguSipho - It is
Ngamanzi - It is
Yimanje - it is
For 1st
and 2nd person identifiers we use the subject concord eg, ngi, si, ni plus the
indefying prefix plus the noun or pronoun. It therefore follows SC-IP-Noun/pronoun.
Ngiyiswazi. I am a
Ngi- + ng- + uSipho >
NginguSipho. I am Sipho
Si- + ng- + amandebele >
Singamandebele. We are Ndebeles.
Ni- + ng- + obani > Ningobani? Who are
Click here to go to Chapter 7: Ngoni Adjective.
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